More Information
Modbus TCP combines the features of Modbus protocol with the low-cost, familiar framework of an Ethernet network. Because Ethernet is so ubiquitous on a wide range of technologies, the system is easy to use and inexpensive to install. It also simplifiies cabling and makes communication with your digital controller more efficient.
The FUSION Control Panel software is provided free with all of our digital controllers. This program works well with Modbus TCP interfaces, allowing you to easily enter parameters and troubleshoot the controller using a straightforward visual interface.
Links & Resources
- You can find more information about Modbus TCP and its benefits at the Modbus website. Their FAQ specifically outlines the benefits of Modbus TCP.
- Learn about our Digital SCR Controllers here
- Our Modbus User Manual is available to the right. (You must be logged in to view or download)
How To Order
When ordering a FUSION digital controller, your model number will indicate your digital fieldbus option. (Additional to USB, which is standard on all controllers) A Modbus TCP controller will have the initial "E," as in the following example.
EXAMPLE: FUSION - _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ - E - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
0 - None
D - DeviceNet
E - Modbus TCP (Ethernet)
S - Modbus RTU (RS-485)
N - ProfiNet
I - EtherNet/IP