Custom/OEM Products
Control Concepts, Inc. supplies custom OEM power controllers to an expanding list of highly satisfied customers.
A significant portion of our sales are from modified standard products and custom OEM designs. We'll work with you to make certain that the custom power control solution we propose not only does what you want, but also is a cost effective solution to your needs.
Examples of our Custom Products:

A single zone, single-phase, phase-angle SCR power controller.
A single zone, single-phase, phase-angle SCR power controller. (30 Amp)
A single phase, phase angle analog controller with selectable feedback, adjustable current limiting and retransmit output metering
A single-phase SCR controller with phase angle, zero-cross, or burst control.
A single-phase, phase-angle SCR power controller.
A system consisting of two 1022 controllers and one 1039 controller in one enclosure.
A system consisting of four independent single-phase drivers.
A two zone, single-phase, phase-angle SCR power controller.
A 2-Channel, Phase Angle Solid State Relay Controller (30 Amp)
Two independent single-phase, phase-angle SCR power controllers.
A 3-Channel, Phase Angle SCR Controller (30 Amp)
A 2-Channel, Zero Cross Solid State Relay Controller (50 Amp)
A Three Phase, Phase Angle SCR Controller (1800 Amp)
A 2 Zone - 4 Channel 40A Phase Angle SCR Controller